Top 5 Blockchain Marketing Firms

Jarett Dunn
6 min readFeb 9, 2019

Preface: Keys to Differentiating Crowdfunding and Initial Coin or Security Offerings (a la Blockchain)

While all ICOs and STOs are crowdfunding campaigns, not all crowdfunding campaigns are ICOs or STOs. ICOs and STOs have very specific needs — usually surrounding regulation — that don’t usually apply to a more general crowdfunding campaign, as contributing or investing using crypto raises all sorts of questions. International, anonymous or contributions and investments that trigger worries about KYC and AML will raise the whiskers of regulatory bodies and require special attention so that your local regulator doesn’t shut you down. The best blockchain marketing firms can help in ensuring your campaign is fully compliant.

If you’re looking for partners for a more general crowdfunding campaign and are more interested in tried-and-true, proven methods for selling equity: I’ve written a recent and like article surrounding more general crowdfunding agencies and how they might be able to help, which you can review instead or additionally to this article!

First, a Shill: CrowdCreate

CrowdCreate is one of the most prolific and helpful one-stop shops for Blockchain marketing, having helped other organizations raise an excess of $100mm. They’ve been putting a lot of work recently into positioning themselves as engagement marketing gurus and other niche marketing functions for Initial Coin Offerings and Security Token Offerings. They top this list as they offer every service, advisory or strategic advising need you and your crowdfunding campaign may require — while others in this list are more tailored to one or two specific aspects of your marketing or engagement needs, proving CrowdCreate is a name to remember if you’re considering blockchain marketing firms..

CrowdCreate is actively and regularly engaging their communities and thinking ‘out of the box’ to be more effective or create a following. They’ve been known, for instance, to organically grow social channels including IndieGogo or Kickstarter using their extensive knowledge and abilities.

Consideration 1: AmaZix

AmaZix is one of the most well-known names in the industry, and while their application process may be prohibitive it does ensure they work with the finest and most disruptive up-and-coming names doing ICO or STO.

While they’re a good name to have in your corner, they specialize in community management and engagement and might fall short if you have needs for marketing assistance in different avenues and arenas.

Again, this author is biased given that he’d spent many months under the employ of AmaZix — but I think that gives me the ‘inside knowledge’ to know they’re actively trying to engage communities and deliver ROI for their clients.

Consideration 2: Priority Token

Priority Token is uniquely positioning themselves as a compliant platform for launching ICOs and STOs. They have offices in major entrepreneurial and financial capitals around the world, which is a value-add that might make the difference when you’re considering potential partners — as well as value adds like tokenomics, roadshows, and positioning for you and your platform.

Their feet-on-the-ground also allow them to facilitate local meetups for Blockchain, investors and organizations — giving the global scale of ICOs and STOs a face, business card and question period that might tip the hat for potential investors.

Priority Token is also more active on social channels than some of their competitors — I had mentioned them in another recent article, along with about a dozen other top names, and Priority Token was one of the first and only names (alongside CrowdCreate) on that list to give feedback in the form of a strong 50-worth Medium clap. It’s refreshing to see an organization like this take the time to engage the everyman out there who might be commenting on their service — and allows me to think that they’d be just as engaged for other feedback or support requests.

Consideration 3: IBC Group

IBC Group is a conglomerate and multi-national organization whose sheer size is impressive. They have one of the largest ICO- and STO-enabling organizations worldwide, allowing them to leverage their massive overhead to deliver on expectations if you should partner with them.

Again, I’ll warn that interfacing with such a large organization may impede your desired effect, as their bureaucracy might stifle the abilities to act or innovate. I’d mentioned elsewhere this author’s attempt to be considered for a position — many positions — within IBC, and email trails have gone cold and dead in each (~dozen!) case/s.

Consideration 4: Zerion

Zerion deserves a special consideration as their platform champions trustless, decentralized banking, contributions and investments. What this truly means and the value it brings differs from organization to organization, but in true keeping with the crypto spirit, it might set Zerion ahead of the competition as they’re delivering on the vision for cryptocurrency that Satoshi laid out: empowering the everyman through distributed computing.

With internet superpowers arising out of decentralized, trustless transactions — like EtherDelta raising $12mm or 9500 Eth in crowdsale — it’s important to remember and triumph these kinds of solutions instead of centralized or custodial solutions that may or may not have certain inherent risks. These risks can be overcome or entirely abated using Blockchain.

Consideration 5: FoxTail Marketing

FoxTail Marketing, while concentrating on more tried-and-true marketing techniques, positions themselves as a shop for gaining ROI on a marketing budget through traditional means. Their pitch and landing pages concentrate on how you can increase your conversions, traffic quality and create investors or contributors out of your leads.

This method of approaching your potential supporters might have certain strategic benefits, and they’re creating value for themselves by deriving that value from the Return on Investment you find from your marketing budget that you place in their hands.


Whether or not your goal is to maximize engagement with your communities, focus your marketing budget on advertising and converting your leads, or leveraging decentralized tech for your needs — or if you want a tailored experience that hits all of these nails on the head, like through CrowdCreate — someone on this list should be able to help you achieve your net results you’re after.

Thank you for your time, and hopefully, you’ve found some actionable information or suggestions here to aid you in your campaign!

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Jarett Dunn

The thread continues, yet I cannot log (real) Jarett Dunn on Medium in ages ha, no grandfathered gmail aliases kek